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Education, training and support

Education, training and support

Project Info

Luogo Watamu
Data Inizio 10/09/2017
Data fine 10/12/2017
Donatori Casabaldino, Amici di Watamu

Project Description

Implementation and participation in school training projects (primary, secondary and university level education), vocational training (courses aimed at promoting farming and manufacturing operations in line with principles of eco-sustainability and enhancement of local identities) and support initiatives (economic assistance, benefits in kind and consumer goods, healthcare and food supplies to orphanage centers and facilities under humanitarian mission programs) in cooperation with associate partners, such as Amici di Watamu and Ordine Monaci Camaldolesi.

Actions to be taken will be established by resolution of the Leo Foundation Steering Board according to a priority score resulting from a mix of factors:

  • Population density
  • Distance from services
  • Overall economic-social and schooling level of the community
  • Health care-related pain points

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