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Culture and Scientific Research

Outlook on the future

Cultura e Ricerca Scientifica

Uno sguardo al futuro

One of Leo Foundation’s key Missions focuses on the promotion of projects and actions in the areas of culture, scientific research, social and health care, environment, education and training, sports, involving residents in Italy and abroad in a direct manner, that is in cooperation with associations, institutions and agencies located in Italy and in countries where Leo Foundation is active.

Promotion and enhancement of local cultures represents one of the key objectives pursued by Leo Foundation.

In this respect, projects and actions aimed at fostering artistic, architectural, environmental and intellectual community resources will be promoted and funded through implementation programs, that is through participation in projects promoted by single or associate individuals, public or private partnerships.

As to the promotion of science and scientific research, specific measures and actions will be initiated, including: scholarships, research project funding, support and sponsorship of vocational and educational training programs for minors and adults as well as training of skilled workers.

Leofoundation works with:

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Please fill in the following fields and submit your proposals. Our staff will be glad to review and fulfill your projects.

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Telefono - Phone number
Indirizzo - Address
Note aggiuntive - Additional note
Per effettuare un bonifico bancario le coordinate sono le seguenti / For a bank wire transfer please send payement to: Leo Foundation IBAN: IT 97 K 01030 71331 000000 661226 -C.F. LEO FOUNDATION 92088760514